
Department of Samkhya - Yoga

Students studying in Samkhya –Yoga mainly study the basic books of Samkhya Philosophy and Yoga Darshan. The first scripture of Samkhya philosophy “Samkhya- Sutra” is propounded by Maharishi Kapil. ‘Samkyakarika’ is the most trusted scripture written by famous scholar Ishwar Krishna. In this philosophy some matter are only Prakriti, some are only Prakriti and Vikriti, some are only Vikriti and some are neither Prakriti nor Vikriti. In this way in Samkhya philosophy all twenty five elements have been categorized in four heads.

Samkhya Darshan given by Kapil denies the final cause of Ishwar (God) and therefore it is called Nirishwar Samkhya. This philosophy considers twenty five elements as Prakriti, intellect (Maht-ttava), ego-sense (ahankar), five sense organs (Nose-ghran, tounge-rasana, eyes-chakshu, skin-twak, ears-shrotra), five organs of action (speech-vak, Hand-pani, leg-pad, payu, upasthan), mind (manas), five tanmatra ( gandhatanmatra, rastanmatra, rupatanmatra, sparshtanmatra, shabdatanmatra), five gross elements (Earth- Prithivi, Water-Jala, Fire- Agni, Air-Vāyu, Ether-Ākāsha) and Purush. These elements are taught and studied in this philosophy. The first scripture of Yoga Darshan is "Yoga-Sutra" given by Maharishi Patanjali. This scripture is also known as "Patanjali Yoga Darshan".

This philosophy also considers the same twenty five elements of Samkhya Darshan except one more element known as Purush-Vishesh (Ishwar-god) is also accepted here. Therefore, this philosophy is also known as “Seshwar Samkhya Darshan”. In this philosophy it is explained that how the activities of mind (Chitta-Vritti) of human being can be controlled. Various Yogasanas and different kinds of Siddhis are also beautifully elaborated in this scripture. Today entire world is studying this philosophy for making human body healthy and long-living. "Nasti Sankhyasamam Shashtram, Nasti Yoga Samam Balam", this Indian belief reflects the unmatched importance of Samkhya - Yoga.

The Department conducts the following courses at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research level to preserve and promote this traditional scientific knowledge.


  1. Certificate in Samkhya Philosophy / Samkhya Darshan Pragya