
Department of Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta or absolute Non-dualism is an idealist system of monistic thought that identifies the Supreme soul with the individual soul, expounded by Shankar Acharya, the great Indian philosopher. It constitutes to be an integral part of the rich heritage of India.

The central theme of Advaita Vedanta may be summarized this way – Brahman alone is real; everything else is unreal, mithyā, super imposed on the Brahman. The world is not real since it is a projection of the unreal ‘Maya’. It is however, real enough for practical purposes.

The Department of Advaita Vedanta offers a rich syllabus for the students consisting of Upanishads, Brahma sutra and other texts of a higher level of knowledge.

The Department conducts the following courses at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research level to preserve and promote this traditional scientific knowledge.


  1. Certificate in Advaita Vedanta Philosophy / Advaita Vedanta Darshan Pragya